Our Team

10 experienced permanent staffs and 7 staffs under internship

Our team of experienced professionals is committed to provide the best logistic supply-chain solution to our customers. Each assignment is established and a conceptual plan is shared.

Entire project is broken down for the entire team – helping each team member understand their responsibility as well as the total responsibility of the team. Team leader ensures that each member in team understand their own responsibility as well as the total responsibility of the team.

Mr. MROSSO, Jimmy
A well-known tax lawyer/consultant with Lexicon Attorneys Law Company, experienced former Customs Officer (10 years with Tanzania Revenue Authority), and well connected.
Mr. MSAE, Michael
An experienced clearing and forwarding officer (for more than 15 years), and well connected.
Ms. MROSSO, Lucas
Manager Operations
An experienced Clearing and Forwarding agent and well-connected (more than 4 years)
Principal Officer